Alexander V. Poddubikov, Ph.D.

Phone: +74959162217, +74959178741, +79166742868
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"Collection of microorganisms of pathogenic groups III-IV of the Mechnikov RIVS" is registered in the information and analytical system of the Russian Science Foundation in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" at as an infrastructure object.

Main advantages:

Originality of the Institute`s Collection is associated with the uniqueness of the supported collection fund; material and scientific base; performed functions related to the formation and maintenance of the collection fund, standardization of collection strains. There are no analogous collections in terms of completeness and intraspecific diversity of bacteria, fungi and viruses of medical importance in our country.

The formation of the Collection has been going on for decades. The main part of it was collected in the second half of the 20th century. The value and uniqueness of the Collection is confined in the completeness of the presented serotypes of various opportunistic bacteria of medical importance. Partially, the Collection contains strains from the Collections of other countries (Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Japan, etc.) obtained in the framework of the exchange.

In the Collection there are strains obtained during the investigation of epidemic outbreaks of various infections. The Collection contains strains of the All-Union Center for Escherichia, which has successfully carried out scientific, methodological and organizational activities for several decades (since 1968). With the use of the Collection strains, a large amount of scientific research is conducted within the framework of the state assignment, federal programs, grant support of the Russian Science Foundation aimed at creating new drugs and technologies for diagnostics, immunoprophylaxis and treatment.