Microbiology department

Mikhailova Natalia A.

Sc.D., Professor

  • Laboratory of experimental microbiology
  • Laboratory of fungi and bacteria physiology
  • Laboratory of opportunistic bacteria microbiology
  • Laboratory of protective antigens
  • Laboratory of microbiological culture media
  • Laboratory of genetics of bacteriophages
  • Laboratory for epidemiological analysis and monitoring of infectious diseases

Immunology and Allergology department

Svitich Oxana A.

Sc.D., Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor

  • Laboratory of molecular immunology
  • Laboratory of immunomodulators
  • Laboratory of immunochemical diagnostics
  • Laboratory of cell hybrids
  • Laboratory for immunological diagnostics of endocrine diseases
  • Laboratory of therapeutic vaccines
  • Laboratory of bioconjugates
  • Laboratory of immunological research methods
  • Laboratory of immune regulation mechanisms
  • Laboratory of biosynthesis of immunoglobulins
  • Laboratory of experimental immunology
  • Laboratory of allergy diagnostics
  • Laboratory for the development of allergens
  • Laboratory of interferons
  • Laboratory for vaccination and immunotherapy of allergic diseases

Virology department

Zverev Vitaly V.

Sc.D., Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor

  • Laboratory of genetics of RNA-containing viruses
  • Laboratory of genetics of DNA-containing viruses
  • Laboratory of molecular virology
  • Laboratory of molecular biotechnology
  • Laboratory of lentiviruses biology
  • Laboratory of viral genomes cloning
  • Laboratory of medical biotechnology
  • Laboratory of hybrid cell cultures
  • Laboratory of experimental virology
  • Laboratory for diagnostics of viral infections
  • Laboratory of viral hepatitis