Alexander V. Poddubikov, Ph.D.

Phone: +74959162217, +74959178741, +79166742868 
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Shared research facilities were established at the decision of Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera Academic Council of 04 February 2016 (order 24 of 5 February 2016) at the Laboratory of opportunistic bacteria microbiology of the Federal State Scientific Institution "Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera". Viruses of pathogenic groups III-IV were included in Collection of Microorganisms of Mechnikov RIVS at the decision of Mechnikov RIVS Academic Council of 29 December 2017. Collection of viruses was established at Laboratory of experimental immunology of Virology Department microbiology of the Federal State Scientific Institution "Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera". Work with the Collection associated with the usage of pathogenic microorganisms at the Federal State Scientific Institution "Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera" is being carried out as Large-scale research facilities «Viruses of pathogenic groups III-IV of Mechnikov RIVS» in accordance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, Government orders, Federal agency for scientific organizations orders, sanitary rules, the stature of Mechnikov RIVS, internal regulations of Mechnikov RIVS and Regulation on the Collection. Work with the Collection is a priority in maintaining the biosafety of Russian Federation. It is aimed at maintaining the sanitary and epidemiologic well-being of Russian Federation. Work with the collection of Mechnikov RIVS is aimed at conservation and management of biodiversity of microorganisms used in development and production of medical immunobiological drugs or promising for usage in this field.